“Don’t be Anyone, Be Someone & Carve Your Own Niche” – Dr Harshita Jain

July 4th 2023, marked the beginning of the journey to leadership at Bhagwan Mahavir International School, Surat, with the induction of its newly elected student council members for AY 2023-2024. Investiture Ceremony was orchestrated with great solemnity & dignity, this signifies the reliance and confidence that the school consigns in the newly invested office bearers.

The stately event commenced with lamp lighting by the chief guest of the day – Shri Sagar Bagmar IPS (Gujarat 2017) presently DCP, Zone IV, Surat City. Along with him, trustees of the school, director, principal and few parents also joined in for the same.

Chief Guest expressed that along with academic excellence, holistic development is equally important to sustain in future. He even emphasised that along with successful career, keeping happy everyone around us, especially our parents should be our life long priority.

Moreover, Dr Harshita Jain ma’am, Trustee, shared a very inspirational words – always strive to be someone and not just anyone. She said that always keep up with the promise you made it to yourself, strive until you succeed, & keep your aspirations high and strong only than universe will conspire to strike in your stride.

Furthermore, Principal Sir – Dr Vinay Rawat thanked everybody present and encouraged students to keep their spirits high during their enitre tenure.

Motto of this event was not just about providing titles, but about conferring responsibilities to the students to take charge of the school & take it to the height they deserve with their decision making skills, communication, & team work.