Why Choose BMIS: A Parent’s Guide to Making the Right Educational Choice


The education scenario and conditions are continuously evolving in a developing nation like India, and to catch up with the highly fast-paced modern world, shaping the young generation goes beyond traditional books and classrooms. The students need next-generation education, and at Bhagwan Mahavir International School, our goal is to deliver just that. Our approach to education is modern, innovative, and holistic to cultivate well-rounded individuals.  

As parents, one of the biggest decisions you make is to give your child a well-rounded education not just to cope but to lead as future citizens. Let’s understand the BMIS and why it could be the best decision you make for your child. .   

The Next Generation Education  

Today’s conditions, culture, and society are different from what they used to be decades ago. The traditional form of imparting education is no longer valid,  the students need to constantly adapt and evolve with conditions at an unpredictable pace. Next-generation education is a system that is based on skills and abilities that will make the generation ready for the future.  We can also call them next-generation skills, 21st-century skills, or future-ready skills.  The skills are important not only for the personal development of children but also enable them to contribute meaningfully to society in the future.  

Bhagwan Mahavir International School (BMIS) 

BMIS is a CBSE school in Surat that embarks on the journey of holistic development by fostering a learning environment that nurtures the next generation. They believe in next-generation education to foster the students with skills, values, and knowledge that prepare students for future endeavors. Holistic education is a core philosophy of the modern-day education system and there are different ways to impart that in your school. Here are various concepts adopted by Bhagwan Mahavir International School in Surat that deliver holistic education.   

  1. Critical Thinking And Problem-solving 

Critical thinking is an intellectual skill that lets individuals analyze and evaluate the situation before making a decision. This set of skills is important for students as they navigate academic challenges and prepare for real-world scenarios. The students are encouraged to ask questions, solve real-world problems, and think innovatively at Bhagwan Mahavir International School. The skill will develop logical reasoning ability in a child to make better and more informed decisions in life.   

  1. Collaboration And Communication 

Effective communication is an integral part of the curriculum; it ensures that students can express their ideas to collaborate seamlessly. Interective in a team, working with others on a project, develops the skill of collaboration and communication simultaneously. This will help students to develop leadership skills, teach them how to work in a team, and how to put their ideas forward while working in the practical world.  

  1. Creativity And Innovation 

At Bhagwan Mahavir International School, we celebrate creativity as it plays a very important role in the progress of a child. Our classrooms are not just spaces for learning but a playground for creative thinking. Be it art projects or science experiments, we encourage and give freedom to students to let out their creativity and innovative thoughts.  

  1. Community Engagement And Social Responsibility  

Education is not just about personal growth and success, it is about contributing to the community and the world at large. We encourage our students to be a part of a community service project in a team to instill a sense of responsibility towards society and understand their problems to evolve as empathetic and compassionate individuals.   

  1. Student- Centric Approach  

At BMIS, we believe that each student is unique and has significant talents and interests. Each student receives support and encouragement in the right direction to make them reach their full potential. A student-centered approach will allow students to explore the area of their interests, collaborate with peers with the same interest, and develop a sense of excitement toward learning.  

  1. Technology Integration 

The 21st century is driven by technology, so it is essential to make technological literacy a part of learning so students get accommodated and familiar with it. At Bhagwan Mahavir International School, we understand its importance and have integrated digital literacy seamlessly into our curriculum by equipping our school with inbuilt resources and infrastructure to support it.   

  1. Focus On Extracurricular Activities 

BMIS is one of the best schools in Surat as they understand that the next generation’s education goes beyond the traditional classroom setting. They provide a wide range of activities and facilitate infrastructure to let children nurture their talent by exploring the fields of art, science, and sports simultaneously with academics.  

  1. Well Qualified Staff  

Educators play a very crucial role in the learning experience of a child. The faculty at BMIS is enthusiastic and passionate about delivering quality education. The faculty forms a strong support system and safety net to boost the confidence of the child. They are equipped with skills, knowledge, and expertise to guide students in the right direction while also giving them space to foster creativity and critical thinking.  


At Bhagwan Mahavir International School, we stand strong in the commitment to delivering holistic learning experiences to our upcoming generations. Our approach to education is to empower the next generation so they can further drive in the ever-changing scenarios of the modern world. These sets of skills that are fostered with holistic learning will help our students to adapt, create, and innovate for the challenges they may face in the future.   

Together, we can sculpt a future where every child is not just academically successful but also equipped with the skills to make a meaningful contribution to society.  

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